Honor the Union Officers who saved the Republic!
There are currently three categories of membership within the Commandery:
Hereditary - Direct male descendants, age 18 years or more, of an individual who served in the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines or Revenue Cutter Service during the War of the Rebellion, and who then or afterward received an officer's commission; and direct male descendants of a brother, sister, uncle or aunt of any such officer.
Junior - Direct male descendants under age 18 years of an eligible officer; and direct male descendants of a brother, sister, uncle or aunt of any such eligible officer. Junior Companions cannot vote or hold office.
Associate - A male 18 years or older who does not have an eligible ancestor.

Graves of 1st Lt. Patrick Keenan, 10th N.Y. Heavy Artillery, and 2nd Lt. John Keenan, 18th N.Y. Cavalry, Mount Calvary Cemetery, Richmond.